Sunday 28 October 2012

Monday, Monday...

My plan starts tomorrow. Bet you haven't heard that before. Monday is a good day to move forward. Here's the initial plan:
  1. 2 - 3 cups of coffee a day - must be consumed before 2 pm.
  2. Drink more water. Can't commit to 8 glasses; I know it won't happen.
  3. Breakfast is not optional.
  4. Walk or do core strengthening exercises every day (weekends optional).
  5. Snacks must be fruits or veggies.
  6. No junk until the weekend.
  7. Lights out by 11 pm - this is going to be a toughie.
Ok, that's enough for now. Not a very exciting plan, but I'm not aiming to lose weight; just want to get healthy. 

Saturday 27 October 2012

6 Weeks to Better Health

In six weeks my man is returning from a long deployment overseas. I've been trying to tone up because we're going on vacation when he returns. My plan was to bike with the kids to school every day and take a strength and tone fitness class once a week. How's it's working out for me? Not so great. Most mornings we're running late, so I end up driving the kids to school. On a couple of occasions I've managed to go for a good walk after dropping the urchins off. My fitness class would  be great if I could attend more than once a week. The biggest hurdle - eating junk food after the kids go to bed. Several times a week I try to relax at the end of the day with a good movie. Problem is I can't seem to watch a movie without gorging on chips, popcorn or whatever my daily craving happens to be.

So, I've got six weeks to shape up, get healthy and stay healthy. I need a new plan.